Problem Solving

with Ekaterina Safonova

July 22, 2023
12:00 PM

Online event

Guest Speaker:

Ekaterina Safonova

(First-class degree in Teaching Foreign Languages, LCCI FTBE -with merit, TKT - band 4, CELTA - Pass A)

About the Speaker

Ekaterina Safonova graduated in 2007 with a first-class degree in Teaching Foreign Languages. She also has an LCCI FTBE (with merit), TKT (band 4) and CELTA (Pass A) certificates.
Since 2009 she has been cooperating with different companies providing English classes (General and Business) for their employees, including top managers and CEOs. She worked as a Director of Studies and methodologist for foreign languages training centre for two years.
In 2021 she developed a course for teachers “Boost your teaching skills” in cooperation with AWATERA ACADEMY.
She specializes mostly on Business English and ESP.
About the Workshop
There is no doubt that our community is an alliance of like-minded people: dedicated teachers who love what they do. However, we cannot say that our job is always a smooth ride. There are people and situations that regularly challenge us in our pursuit to share our knowledge and achieve our students' goals. But why struggle alone? Let's use our summer meeting to make each other's lives easier: we'll share our stories of failure and success, of pain and hardship in search of the possible solutions. If one head is good and two are better, then many are the best.
So, in order to have a great session, we're now calling for your stories. Please, tell us about your experience of facing any types of problems ( in methodology, psychology, technology, pedagogics etc.) in teaching your students. Whether you've solved the issue or you're still looking for a solution, share it!

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